Reducing upfront cost of solar

The upfront capital cost for a residential solar PV system in Barbados is currently in the $16,000-$40,000 price range which is reasonable now and will continue to become more affordable in the future. Until then, reducing the current upfront cost can be achieved by: Purchasing a smaller system If a system to offset all of … Continue reading

Reduce cost

60th anniversary of modern solar cell

  In April 1954, the modern solar cell was born. We’ve come a long way in 60 years and we’re only just at the beginning. Take a trip back in time and watch some archived footage of solar power history. [Note: phosphorus is now used instead of arsenic; and the production of solar panels is … Continue reading

Bell 1954


Why isn’t there more solar PV in Barbados?

  With the drivers of high electricity costs and abundant sunshine, one might expect that Barbados would be generating more electricity from the sun, so why isn’t there more solar PV in Barbados? There are some known barriers to the uptake of solar by consumers and businesses which are common worldwide. These include: Upfront Capital … Continue reading

The Sun

The Sun is an ideal power plant

  Global energy distribution – sunlight reaches everyone on the planet at roughly 1000W/m2 Easily available to anyone – sunlight is available to everyone regardless of social or economic status Maintenance free – unlike conventional power plants, the Sun requires no maintenance Inaccessible to attack – at a safe 150 million kilometres away, this space … Continue reading

Understanding new technology

  This sign from the 19th century might make you chuckle, particularly the last section in smaller font. When electricity was first introduced, it was revolutionary and it changed people’s lives and the entire world. With any new technology however, people need to learn about it, become familiar with it and understand it. Along with … Continue reading

Edison electric light sign

Solar cell

How do solar photovoltaics (PV) actually work?

Here is a simple explanation of how a solar PV cell works. When sunlight shines on a solar panel some of the energy is absorbed by the semiconductor material. One layer of the solar cell consists of silicon mixed with boron which gives it a positive charge (p-type). Another layer consists of silicon mixed with … Continue reading

Sunshine and the Barbadian economy

In the now distant past, 18th century, the largest contributor to the Barbadian economy was sugar cane production. This important industry helped lay the foundation of the country as we know it today. By the 20th century the largest contributor to the economy became tourism, with over one million tourists visiting the island each year. … Continue reading

Residential solar project in Barbados